The Fourth Summit: Geroscience for the Next Generation

The Fourth Summit: Geroscience for the Next Generation

A Hybrid Event

April 24-26, 2023
Natcher Conference Center, NIH (in person)
Zoom Webinar and NIH Videocast (online)

Organized by:
The Geroscience Interest Group of the

National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


  1. Highlight the need to develop and implement geroscience for all people, setting this discipline in the contexts of precision medicine, minority health, and health disparities.
  2. Emphasize the need for geroscience research to address comorbidities, multimorbidities and geriatric syndromes.
  3. Explore further development of measures reporting health and function in aging (alternatives to – or continued reliance on – “years since birth” as the independent variable in geroscience research).
  4. Consider the importance and utility of mathematical modeling of aging.
  5. Examine the importance of evidence-based inclusive geroscience in medical practice.
  6. Discuss feasibility, design and implementation of geroscience clinical trials.

The major product of the Summit will be a summary document of discourse throughout the summit, generated with help from the organizers, identifying current gaps and opportunities in the field, and actionable next steps to advance geroscience. Additional opinion pieces and perspectives by the participants will be encouraged.