All times are in EDT.

9:00 AM – 9:15 AM Introduction and Welcome
Walter Koroshetz, MD
Director, NIH/NINDS
9:15 AM – 9:25 AM Setting the Stage – Goals of the Workshop
Vicky Whittemore, PhD
9:25 AM – 9:50 AM Action Potential: An Effort to Develop Genetic Strategies for a Rare Neurological Disease
Simon Frost
Tiber Capital Group

Session I: State-of-the-art in Genetic Strategies for Treatment

Moderator: Dan Lowenstein, MD; University of California, San Francisco

9:50 AM – 10:00 AM Introduction to Session
Dan Lowenstein, MD
10:00 AM – 10:25 AM Developing Circuit Based Gene Therapies
Beverly Davidson, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
10:25 AM – 10:50 AM A Clinically Editable Brain Is Within Sight: Track Record and Trajectory of CRISPR For Neurologic Disease
Fyodor Urnov, PhD
University of California, Berkeley
10:50 AM – 11:10 AM Break
11:10 AM – 11:35 AM Prenatal Therapies for Neurologic Diseases
Tippi Mackenzie, MD
University of California, San Francisco (via Zoom)
11:35 AM – 12:00 PM Panel Discussion
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Poster Session for Young/Early Career Investigators

Session II: Progress, Pitfalls and Lessons Learned from Neurological and Non-Neurological Trials/Treatments
Moderator: Ann Poduri, MD, MPH; Boston Children’s Hospital

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM Introduction to Session
Ann Poduri, MD, MPH
2:10 PM – 2:35 PM Gene Therapy as a Platform: From Giant Axonal Neuropathy to the PaVeGT Project and the Bespoke Gene Therapy Consortium
Carsten Bonnemann, MD
2:35 PM – 3:00 PM Use of ASOs for Genetic Correction of Angelman Syndrome
Elizabeth Berry Kravis, MD, PhD
Rush University
3:00 PM – 3:25 PM Risks and Treatment Choices for Neurological Diseases
Florian Eichler, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
3:25 PM – 3:45 PM Break
3:45 PM – 4:10 PM New Paths to the Waterfall: Lessons Learned from AAV Product Development
Kathy High, MD
Rockefeller University
4:10 PM – 4:35 PM From N of 1 to Population Health to Treat Genetic Epilepsies
Wendy Chung, MD, PhD
Boston Children’s Hospital (via Zoom)
4:35 PM – 5:00 PM Panel Discussion
5:00 PM Adjourn

June 21 (DAY 2)

All times are in EDT.

Session III: Considerations for Designing and Implementing Therapy for the Epilepsies
Moderators: Lori Isom, PhD; University of Michigan & Heather Mefford, MD, PhD; St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM Introduction to Session
Lori Isom, PhD & Heather Mefford, MD, PhD
9:10 AM – 9:35 AM Predicting Pathogenicity – Which Variants (Will) Cause Disease? Considering Mechanism – Approaches for Gain vs Loss of Function
Gemma Carvill, PhD
Northwestern University (via Zoom)
9:35 AM – 10:00 AM TANGO as a Therapeutic Strategy for Epilepsy Design & Implementation: Successes and Challenges
Isabel Aznarez, PhD
Stoke Therapeutics
10:00 AM – 10:25 AM Pinpointing the Perfect Timing: Critical Time Windows for Gene Therapy Delivery
Gaia Colasante, PhD
San Raffaele Hospital
10:25 AM – 10:45 AM Panel Discussion
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM Break

Session IV: Crucial Issues Beyond the Genetic Strategy
Moderators: Vicky Whittemore, PhD; NIH/NINDS & George Umanah, PhD; NIH/NINDS

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM Introduction to Session
Vicky Whittemore, PhD
11:10 AM – 11:35 AM Enhancing Global Rare Epilepsy Care Through Online Knowledge Resources
Dennis Lal, PhD
University of Texas – Houston
11:35 AM – 12:05 PM Becoming a Treatable Genetic Condition
Mary Ann Meskis
Dravet Syndrome Foundation (via Zoom)
12:05 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM – 1:25 PM Informed and Efficient Clinical Trials Design Using Natural History Data and Disease Modeling
Melanie Quintana, PhD
Berry Consultants
1:25 PM – 1:50 PM Considerations for Remote Phenotyping in Pediatric Research
Heather Hazlett, PhD
University of North Carolina
1:50 PM – 2:15 PM Ethical Issues Raised in the Development of Genetic Strategies to Treat Rare Neurological Disorders
Lainie Ross, MD, PhD
University of Rochester
2:15 PM – 2:35 PM Panel Discussion with Discussant
Rosa Sherafat, MD
2:35 PM – 3:00 PM Wrap-up Discussion
Moderator: Dan Lowenstein, MD
3:00 PM Adjourn