Barb Gleason, MSN, RN

Barb Gleason, MSN, RN
Project Director
RMOMS Bootheel Perinatal Network grant project

Barb Gleason is the Project Director for Bootheel Perinatal Network (BPN), a HRSA-funded RMOMS (Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies) grant. For more than 20 years, she worked as a nurse home visitor and supervisor for Building Blocks/Nurse-Family Partnership, where she found that the words on her childhood report card came to life. So often identified as the child who talked too much and was a social butterfly. These traits have served her well over the years and made her job as a collaborator more fun than work.

Her passion for helping connect people to resources comes from her experience as a teen mom trying to navigate the world of health and social service care.

Barb is an executive council member for Bootheel Babies and Families, on the board for NASV (Network against Sexual Violence), and a member of the VFW Axillary.

Barb is the mother of two sons, both veterans, and the grandmother of 4. In addition to her passion for connecting people, she is the alpha of her rescue pack, which includes three dogs and two cats, and actively works with organizations focused on veteran suicide, including Stop Soldier Suicide, Mission #22, and the Til Valhalla Project.