
Day 1:  July 24, 2024
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

9:00 AM

Welcome and Introduction




NIH Common Fund/CFDE Resources


Break (15 Min)


Panel Discussion on How Data Policy (Privacy and Ethics) Impacts Historically Underserved Communities


Workshop Breakout Session on Community Engagement Strategies
These will be interactive sessions where attendees will have the opportunity to break out into small groups to address a series of questions. Virtual attendees will be able to participate in the discussion in virtual break out rooms.




Panel Discussion on Data Use and Accessibility


Break (15 Min)


Workshop Breakout Session on Data Challenges and Barriers to Data Use
These will be interactive sessions where attendees will have the opportunity to break out into small groups to address a series of questions. Virtual attendees will be able to participate in the discussion in virtual break out rooms.


Closing Remarks

4:30 PM

Adjourn Day 1

Day 2:  July 25, 2024
9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

Panel Discussion on Training & Education Needs of the Data Community


Two Concurrent Breakout Sessions
These will be interactive sessions where attendees will have the opportunity to break out into small groups to address a series of questions. Virtual attendees will be able to participate in the discussion in virtual break out rooms.

Workshop Breakout on Data Solutions to identified barriers from Day 1

Workshop Breakout to discuss the immediate Training Needs and Supports of the Community


Break (10 Min)


Workshop Closing Presentation & Wrap Up

12:30 PM

Adjourn Day 2