Dr. Barbara Oudekerk is a Scientific Program Director for the NIH HEAL funded Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW): Addressing Overdose, Substance Use, Mental Health, and Pain Program, providing expertise in a variety of areas including intervention research and substance use prevention. Prior to joining the N CREW Program, she was a Program Officer in the Prevention Research Branch where she managed research portfolios on prevention in social services, justice, and community settings and was the Lead Project Scientist for the NIH HEAL Preventing Opioid Use Disorder Research Program. She came to NIDA from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, where she was a social science statistician in the Victimization Statistics Unit. At BJS, Dr. Oudekerk directed the Victim Services Statistical Research Program, which included overseeing the National Census and Survey of Victim Service Providers and coordinating efforts to collect comprehensive national data on help-seeking and access to services among survivors of crime or abuse. She also managed research and produced statistical reports from the National Crime Victimization Survey on topics including juvenile crime and victimization, school crime, hate crimes, subnational crime trends, and repeat victimization. Prior to BJS, Dr. Oudekerk was an American Psychological Association Executive Branch Science Fellow, during which she spent a year working at the National Institute of Justice. She completed her Ph.D. and post-doctoral research training at the University of Virginia with a focus in community and developmental psychology.