Pilot Projects
2023 – 2024
The American University in Cairo
Mohamed Salama, M.B.B.C.H, D.T.Q.M., Ph.D., Principal Investigator
This project seeks to test the feasibility of the HRS design on a probability sample that covers only the older Egyptian population. Moreover, the project aims to generate estimates of the expected unit response rates and item-response rates for some critical variables and to obtain the main parameters of the distribution of key variables as a base for sample power calculations. It also will document the logistics of the field work and data management activities.
2024 – 2025
Queen’s University Belfast
Bernadette McGuinness MD, PhD, FRCP, FRCPI, Principal Investigator
This pilot project enables us to commence data collection for Wave 3 of the Northern Ireland Cohort for the Longitudinal Study of Aging (NICOLA), a rigorously conducted longitudinal study of dementia and other age-associated health outcomes in a large, representative cohort of older adults in Northern Ireland (NI). The funding will sustain NICOLA as it begins in the field in Wave 3 and provides continuity in data collection until such times as we can secure funding for the entire duration of Wave 3 i.e. five years.