Our Harmonization Network fosters multilateral exchange of knowledge and experience in a world with different cultures, histories, and policies. A key characteristic of the participating studies is dynamic innovation, which creates a constant flow of opportunities for harmonization. Network members participate in annual meetings to foster collaboration and harmonization of data elements and methods. They also participate in supporting small scale pilots that explore avenues to conduct feasibility studies to bring new innovations in survey content or methodology, or establish comparability for cross-national research to reinforce member requests for support when engaging their local funding agencies. Learn more about the studies that participate in our Network of global aging surveys that are committed to harmonizing the collection of data on health and retirement in their respective countries, to facilitate cross-national comparisons:

AGUA | The Longitudinal Study of Aging in GUAtemala
PI: David Flood
SPS & CHILE-COG | Chilean Social Protection Survey and Cognitive Aging Study
PI: David Bravo

CRELES | Costa Rica: Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable
PI: William Dow

Gateway | The Gateway to Global Aging PI: Jinkook Lee
LOSHAK | Longitudinal Study of Health and Ageing in Kenya
PIs: Joshua Ehrlich & Anthony Ngugi

LSAHA | Lebanon Study on Aging and Health
PIs: Carlos Mendes de Leon & Monique Chaaya

PREHCO | Puerto Rican Elderly: Health Conditions Project
PI: Michael Crowe
SLHAS | Sri Lanka Health and Ageing Study
PI: Raviindra Rannan-Eliyah