Gina R. Poe, PhD
Professor, Integrative Biology & Physiology, Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, and Neurobiology
Faculty Chair, Lorre Scholars Program
University of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Gina Poe earned her bachelor’s degree at Stanford and her PhD in Neuroscience at UCLA in Basic Sleep. She did a postdoc with Carol Barnes and Bruce McNaughten at the University of Arizona then took faculty positions first at Washington State University, then the University of Michigan, then back at UCLA where her laboratory studies the mechanisms by which sleep serves learning and memory consolidation. She is the Faculty Chair of the Lorre Scholars Program and Professor of Integrative biology and Physiology, Psychiatry, and Neurobiology. She directs several programs designed to increase diversity in the STEM fields including the SfN’s NSP, UCLA’s MARC program, and the Lorre Scholars Program.