Title: Workshop: The Right Tools and Resources for Neural Exposome Research
Date: April 19, 2024; 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET
Location: Virtual (Click here to register. Registration is required.)
Description: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Office of Neural Exposome and Toxicology (ONETOX) supports research that advance our understanding of the multiple causes of neurological illness and will enable the development of more effective interventions. Many neurological disorders have complex etiologies that include noninheritable factors, collectively called the neural exposome. Studying the neural exposome requires the establishment and utilization of tools and resources that enable discovery research towards precision medicine and prevention. The development of quantitative measures of exposures and biomarkers, complex combinations of individual risk factors, multifactor databases, biospecimens and repositories, and other tools are key for advancing exposomic studies of neurological disorders and better health.
This mini workshop invites you to learn about what exposome tools and resources are currently available and to discuss what is additionally needed to understand the role of the exposome on nervous system health and disease. For additional information, please contact Dr. Claudia Figueroa-Romero.