Talks by 2nd and 3rd increment participants.

  • Talks will be in a “chalk talk” format (there won’t actually be chalk). Participants will have 2 minutes to talk about their research without slides, which will be followed by approximately 13 minutes of interactive discussion with the faculty and other participants. In the 2-minute introduction participants should address:
    • What is the scientific problem/question being addressed?
    • What is your hypothesis?
    • What is your experimental design and approach?
    • Note: No experimental results should be discussed in this 2 minute introduction. We hope for there to be a critical, in-depth, interactive discussion, on the question being asked and the approach being used rather than a “here are the results of everything I’ve done” slideshow. Of course, during the interactive 13-minute follow up discussion, there may be an opportunity to discuss some results but this is not intended to be the primary focus of the chalk talks.


K- Specific aims page for 2nd and 3rd increment participants

  • Please send Michael Tennekoon your aims page by February 9th 2024.
  • Please ensure that the aims page is only one page long, is polished and suitable for submission to NIH, and that a title is included on the aims page. Please also make sure the filename used to save your aims page includes your name and institution.
  • Please note this exercise is not intended to simply discuss a project – it is to help formulate an aims page that gives the best chance of success in review. There is no value to asking mentors to evaluate and help with aims pages that are not the best possible document that participants can write.


Poster presenters (1st increment participants only)

Poster presenters may hang their posters between 7:00am and 5:00pm on Friday, March 8th. The dimensions of the provided posterboard are 90 inches wide and 44 inches tall (horizontal orientation). Pushpins will be available.