Tiffany Braley, MD

Dr. Braley is an Associate Professor of Neurology and clinical neuroimmunologist. In addition to her medical degree, from Wayne State University, she also holds an M.S. degree, in Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis, from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. And, her research focuses on crucial connections between sleep disorders, the immune system, and neurological disorders, especially as they relate to patients with MS. She also conducts clinical trials of MS therapeutics. Since completing her Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Fellowship, and joining the U-M Neurology faculty in 2011, Dr. Braley has worked to develop a productive, multidisciplinary clinical research program between the University of Michigan Sleep and Neuroimmunology (MS) groups. To date, this program has led to several important findings that have increased our understanding of sleep disorders and their consequences in MS, and predictors of MS-related fatigue. Dr. Braley has also established a new first of its kind Multidisciplinary MS Fatigue and Sleep Clinic. This clinic offers a unique service to patients with multiple sclerosis and related inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system.